Announcing the Winter 2020 Mini Persephone Readathon

The news feels unrelentingly bleak at the moment. I don’t know about you, but I for one could use a quiet distraction. Since the pages between certain iconic grey covers never fail to offer just that, I thought a weekend-long readathon celebrating all things Persephone Books would be a good place to start.

I’m happy to announce that the Winter 2020 Mini Persephone Readathon will run from Friday, January 24th through Sunday, January 26th, 2020. 

Due to the super short notice, this version of the readathon will be even more laid back than usual. We’re not even going to bother with official sign ups.*

Participate in any capacity you are able; read as much or as little as you’d like. The goal is simply to enjoy reading and discussing all things Persephone Books.

If you make it through an entire book or two, wonderful. If you simply manage a novella or squeeze in a short story, terrific. If you’re only able to flip through an old favorite and read a few passages, don’t worry, it still counts. Even if you don’t turn a single page but opt instead to watch one of the adaptations, you’re just as much of a participant!

I hope this Mini Persephone Readthon will bring you some comfort, joy, and the chance to escape from reality for a bit. 

*Be sure to follow along and use #PersephoneReadathon and/or post a link in the comments sections so we can all find one another.

There’s also a new Twitter account for the readathon: @ReadPersephone


About Persephone Books

-What are Persephone Books you may ask? Persephone Books are a London based independent publisher and bookseller, who specialize in neglected books by (mostly) women writers from (mainly) the mid-twentieth century. You can view their website here, and read more about them here and here.

-At this time, Persephone has published 135 books (Full list here). Many of these titles can also be found from other publishers, and some books are even in the public domain and available for free download. You do not have to only read editions published by Persephone. Any edition of these 135 titles counts for this readathon. I know Persephone books can be expensive and difficult to track down, especially outside of the UK. Here in the US, I’ve had good luck with Abebooks for great prices on secondhand copies, and Book Depository for free shipping. Don’t forget to check your local library too!

-And here’s a list of Persephone Books available as eBooks, including several that are FREE in the Public Domain (Updated May 2019)

-More info can be found on my Persephone Readathons Page


30 thoughts on “Announcing the Winter 2020 Mini Persephone Readathon

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      1. I got The Casino, Greenery Street and Still Missing. Then last week in the same shop I found The Far Cry. My Persephone record in that shop is four in one go – I’d love to know who’s donating these books (surely it must be the same person?! There can’t be that many people who would let Persephones go?)


    1. I hope you enjoyed Cheerful Weather if you were able to pick it up, Juliana! I think the film version is worth seeking out too if you haven’t already seen it.


  1. I’m in, will probably read Emmeline by Judith Rossner. I was at an amazing used bookstore in Detroit last fall and found an original 1980 copy for only $5! I’ve also been wanting to read All Hail Great Bardfield by Tirzah Garwood so that’s also a possibility.

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