Top Ten Tuesday: Unique Book Titles

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish blog.

This week’s topic is: Unique Book Titles 

Not everyone will agree that these are unique, but they are titles that are not obvious or expected. I also think they are intriguing titles that capture the feelings of their respective books, while also not giving too much away about what is inside their covers.




Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

It may seem like a straightforward title, but there is so much that lurks behind it. It’s a title that serves as the very backbone of Ng’s heartbreaking familial novel.

If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio

This title makes me want to delve into the story immediately. I have to know whether they were villains or not!

Everything Beautiful Began After by Simon Van Booy 

I didn’t think much of this title until I reached the end of the book, at which point I realized it was utterly perfect.

The Weather in the Streets by Rosamond Lehmann

I love that this title is seemingly simple, yet leaves you guessing about Lehmann’s novel.

Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller 

There’s something both beautiful and harrowing about this title, which makes it a perfect match for the story waiting inside the covers.



I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith 

I can’t imagine another title for this charming book. This one is simple but oh so perfect.

To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis  

Willis has cleverly taken inspiration from Jerome K. Jerome’s classic Victorian novel Three Men in a Boat, both for her title and for her story.

White is For Witching by Helen Oyeymi

I love this use of alliteration so much. I think the title is just as lyrical and perplexing as Oyeyemi’s novel.

Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl

This one perfectly captures the academic feel of the campus novel, while also letting the reader know that things are going to descend into chaos.

We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

I love that this title has several meanings once you’ve read the book, but I especially love that it gives absolutely nothing away at first glance.


What are some of your favorite book titles, unique or otherwise?

15 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Unique Book Titles

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  1. They are all interesting titles, although I Capture the Castle is the only one I’ve actually read. I should probably read the Connie Willis book as I loved Three Men in a Boat!

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  2. Wow! I feel like you completely owned this week’s TTT! These titles are…wow….I can’t even pick which one is the best! I’ve only read If We Were Villains, which one of these would you recommend I pick up first?

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    1. haha thanks so much! I’m hoping to start IWWV soon. For recommendations: I don’t know of anyone who didn’t like Everything I Never Told You. It’s beautifully written with dynamic characters and has a bit of mystery as well. I’d also highly recommend I Capture the Castle. It’s a very beloved modern classic, and a charming “comfort” read. The narrator Cassandra is one of my favorite classic heroines, and I think most bibliophiles and/or writers will love her.


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