Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals For 2018

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish blog, and now hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is: Bookish Goals For 2018

1. Read my own books

My biggest overarching goal for 2018 is to read the books I own. I have a lot of lovely unread books that I’ve been meaning to read that I need to prioritize this year. The TBR Pile Challenge as well as the Mount TBR Reading Challenge will hopefully help me accomplish this.



Many of the following goals should help reinforce this too! (fingers crossed)

2. Review (most of) the books I read in a timely fashion

Note to self: the longer you wait to write a review after finishing a book, that harder it will be to write. Also, this may sound crazy, but taking the time to jot down a few notes throughout your reading will make the whole review process easier.

3. Read more classics

Classics used to make up a fairly large percentage of my reading. This has changed over the past few years however, and I now want to increase my classics consumption.* I’m sure my participation in the Classics Club and Back to the Classics will help dramatically.

*I’ve been pretty good at reading modern classics



4. Read more nonfiction

I’ve mentioned before that while I’m very good at picking up nonfiction, I’m not very good at actually reading and completing nonfiction. There are so many nonfiction reads I’m excited about and interested in; many of which are waiting on my bookshelves. Ideally, I’d like to read one nonfiction book a month, but I’ll be very  happy if I read six  in 2018. Some of the titles I’m especially interested in reading are:



5. Host a few blog events

I really enjoy participating in other blogger’s events and would love to host some of my own readathons and readalongs. I’m off to a good start with this goal, as I’ll be hosting my first readathon next month!

PersephoneReadathon (1)

The Persephone Readathon will take place from February 1-11. (You can sign up here) This will be a casual readathon with the only goal being to read, discuss, and enjoy Persephone Books. I’m very excited about this and hope to repeat the event later in the year.

6. Buy fewer books (and read the ones I do buy sooner)

I know myself enough to know that I would crash and burn spectacularly if I attempted a book buying ban. However, I do want to significantly curtail my book buying this year. When I do buy books, I want to read them while I’m still excited about them and not just stick them on my shelves where they’ll stay unread for months/years.

7. Read 60 or more books

As of now, I’ve set my Goodreads challenge to 60 books. I read 51 books in 2017 and am pretty sure I can surpass that this year.

8. Reread some old favorites

I did not reread a single book in 2017, which is such a shame. Rereading is incredibly rewarding and there’s nothing quite like revisiting a past favorite. Even though there are so many new and new-to-me books I’m excited to read this year, I want to also carve out some time for a few rereads. Some of the top contenders are:




Do you have any of the same bookish goals this year?

19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals For 2018

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  1. We have a lot of the same goals! (Also, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was the first book I read this year, and I absolutely adored it!!) I also need to stem my book-buying habits and make a major dent in the books already sitting on my shelves, so we’ve got that in common. I absolutely love reading classics, so I hope you’re able to get back to some of them this year!

    Good luck with your goals!

    My TTT

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  2. I find that jotting down notes while reading definitely helps with the reviewing process, but I still don’t do enough of it! I would like to read more nonfiction too, although I didn’t include it on my own list of goals.

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  3. You have some great goals here! I need to write reviews sooner, too, and I’d like to read more non-fiction this year. I really enjoy non-fiction but ended up not reading much of it in 2017, hopefully that will change this year. Best of luck with all of your goals!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve given up banning myself from buying books. It’s an exercise in futility. Sooner or later I start feeling deprived and I buy books to make up for it! Now I just try to make sure to only buy books that I’m fairly sure I’ll want to keep. If I don’t think I’ll want to keep it it’s put on my library list. So far that’s kept my bookshelf under control.

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  5. Looking forward to the readathons! 🙂 (sadly won’t do Persephone as I don’t have any unread ones on my shelf… and shouldn’t really go shopping as my new unread books shelf is absolutely full… but very jealous, as it sounds like loads of fun)

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