Top Ten Tuesday-Fall Covers and Themes

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish blog.

This week’s topic is: Ten Books With Fall/Autumn Covers/Themes (If the cover screams fall to you, or the books give off a feeling of being Fallish)



1. Autumn by Ali Smith 

I can’t imagine a more perfect autumnal cover than Ali Smith’s Autumn. I can’t wait to pick up this moving novel about a multi-generational friendship set in post-Brexit Britain. I imagine it will be a beautiful but melancholy read, much like the season itself.



2. September by Rosamunde  Pilcher 

This is another cover that screams fall. This edition of September may be simplistic, but its falling leaves design certainly captures the season. I’d love to curl up with this cozy book and get lost in a Scottish September.



3. Dracula by Bram Stoker

Turning to a much darker fall cover and theme, this Barnes and Noble Classics edition of Dracula really gives me the creeps. The photo used is highly effective at conveying the spooky atmosphere of this famous vampire classic. Dracula really is an exciting page-turner, with a few spine-tingling moments, that’s perfect for this time of year.



4. Night Film by Marisha Pessl

This is such a moody and mysterious cover. It reminds me of late autumn with its cooler temperatures and darker evenings. It’s also very cinematic, just like Pessl’s novel. In fact, reading Night Film is like watching an engrossing psychological thriller. It’s an enigmatic novel that is ideal for reading during these long nights.



5. The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy 

This gorgeous orange cover of The Return of the Native reminds me of turning leaves, pumpkins, and fiery sunsets. The landscape painting featured is also quite autumnal. I usually associate Hardy with this season as well. His pastoral novels, with their vivid descriptions of nature and themes of tragic fate, seem made to be read during this time of year.



6. Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger 

This cover captures the transition from late fall to winter, while also hinting at the slightly sinister themes of the novel. It’s a very atmospheric read with an ending that left me a bit enraged. Her Fearful Symmetry also features some brilliant and evocative descriptions of London in the autumn that I simply couldn’t get enough of.



7. Florence and Giles by John Harding 

This is a very Halloween-y cover for sure. The black raven, gothic font, and red lettering scream creepy read ahead. And Florence and Giles is perfectly creepy. This is a novel that cleverly pays homage to The Turn of the Screw, one of my favorite autumnal reads. John Harding has crafted a story that kept me reading late into the October nights.




8. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield 

Another gothic novel that I couldn’t put down, is The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Autumn happens to be my favorite reading season, and this bookish cover speaks to my bibliophile’s heart. I’d love to dive into that stack of jewel-toned tomes. The Thirteenth Tale also happens to be one of my top fall book recommendations.



9. The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters

I actually think all of the various editions of The Little Stranger are quite autumnal, but this Riverhead Books cover is especially fall-like. The golden-yellow background transitions into a darker burnt orange much like this season’s changing leaves. The cover also evokes a hazy atmosphere that matches the ambiguous and unsettling events of the novel.



10. The Good People by Hannah Kent 

I wouldn’t mind taking a brisk autumn walk through this windswept, changing landscape. The Good People is on the top of my to-buy list for fall/winter. I don’t know too much about Hannah Kent’s new novel, but for some reason it seems like an autumnal read to me.


What are some of your favorite fall covers and themes? 




34 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday-Fall Covers and Themes

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  1. I love that edition of September. I’ve only seen it with more flower-y covers but I love the simpler look. Autumn looks gorgeous and The Thirteenth Tale is on my TBR. I’m a big fan of the gothic-y covers. Those always catch my attention!

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