Farewell Austen in August

It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that all good things must come to an end. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)

Austen in August may be over, but I’m  not ready to say goodbye just yet. So let’s take a look back at last month’s event.

In addition to the following Austen posts, I managed to read two Austen related novels and one biography, and re-watch the 2009 BBC Emma miniseries.

My Austen in August Guest Post: 10 Austenesque Writers

Book Reviews:

Link Roundups:

Bookish Memes:


Posts I Enjoyed From Fellow #AusteninAugustRBR Participants:

A huge thank you to Adam from Roof Beam Reader for hosting this event! Till next year!

How was your Austen in August? 

8 thoughts on “Farewell Austen in August

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  1. I didnt accomplish half as much as I had hoped – I rather think I took on too many things in August. Thanks for the link to my post!
    How was the Lucy Worsley? I can’t stand the woman. I have to switch off the tv every time she appears because she is such an irritating presenter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had hoped to read and watch more for Austen in August too. The month seemed to go by extra quickly.

      You’re welcome-I enjoyed reading it!

      I really enjoyed Jane Austen at Home, although a lot of the info wasn’t new for me. That said, I adore Lucy Worsley and could definitely hear her voice coming through in her writing. So you may want to steer clear!
      Have you read The Real Jane Austen by Paula Byrne? Both biographies explore the objects and details of her life in a highly readable way.


      1. I’ve read a bit about this. I think it’s probably more of a case of there not being too many directions to go in when writing about Austen’s life, and shared primary sources. But it has been a few years since I read The Real Jane Austen. Worsley does praise Byrne in her book, so perhaps she was more influenced by Byrne’s work than even she realized. It’s definitely an interesting debate/conversation to have in regards to Austen scholarship!


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